Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thing 6 - Diigo

Dig myself into a hole! That must be the name of it. Diigo is a bookmarking on steriods! LOL I admit I set up the Diigo last year when Caroline came and taught on it. But, it has not interested me at all. I even imported my bookmarks. Well, whamo! I went back today and found the bookmarks I THOUGHT I had lost. When my computer crashed, I thought I had lost all my bookmarks. Whew.. there they were! I am so happy to find them. And, I have to admit that I enjoy being able to share a cool site with some co-workers and/or friends. I have invited several friends, outside of school, but all of which have said it is just too much for them and they would rather just "save their favs". That is what I thought too, until I needed a bookmark that I had on my school computer. I thought I would have to wait until the next day to get it. Well, when trying to introduce someone outside of school to diigo, it occured to walking, talking, following me everywhere shadow of a favs list is right there. It was nice to be able to do my school work at home and not be pressured the next day!

BTW...somehow I found this on a shared Diigo site....
You know you are a real teacher if you can tell if it is a full moon without ever looking outside.

How much more fitting can the find for the day be??? :-)
Now, back to Thing 5. I know I have to do this reader thing for days. I am on day I will keep rocking on and post my newfound wisdom on the blog. :-)

Thing 3

That's what that funky little orange RSS is! I have wondered what that was. I have pondered clicking it to see what happens. But, I was afraid my computer just might implode. And, you know I can't risk that one! I have also wondered what the FEED tab is all about on my favs. Now, I know. I feel so empowered now. LOL I do have to say that I am not fond of the blogs that we are having to add to our google reader. I say that with honesty because it does not all pertain to elementary school students. But, I have to say that thru links with some of the, I found Morgue File. That is an awesome site for kids and their power point presentations. The images are so much more vivid and "alive" than some on google. And, I find that most of them are not "dangerous" like google can be.
Now, I am off to find some educational and scrapbook/craft sites to put on my reader too. I mean... a gal must be able to have a little down time, right?! :-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thing 2 - Holy smokes...check out the blogs.

OK, I will be the first to admit. I didn't have a personal blog (or any blog for that matter) until this course started. I am loving checking out lots of educational blogs, among others, to get some great ideas. I am even learning that when I have a "brilliant" idea (HA HA) that if I go blog it quick, it might help me now and someone else later.
There is one challenge though...time! I get so sidetracked sometimes in reading a blog then linking to someone else's blog that links somewhere else. Get the idea. Yeah...the dishes stack up in the sink and the kids are screaming for dinner while I am "blogged down" in reading! OK< not really that bad but you know what I mean! I have got to learn to take little chunks of knowledge and leave the rest for another day. I have added a few blogs to follow onto my list but I have been resisting temptation to add others. It is just too much to keep up with.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Thing 1-B

OK, here is what I wrote on my whiteboard. I have to tell head is spinning! I need some hands on practice to really get this stuff, I do believe!
Wow...this is all a foreign language to me. I sure hope I catch on quicker than I am thinking! Whew! I guess I should stick to the photography and not so much of this technology end. I feel like a real dummy with all this knowledge now. I am probably making it much harder than it really is. I guess I am just such a hands on learner that the written stuff is overloading now.
My whiteboard addy is:

Friday, February 6, 2009

Yes! New knowledge

I learned something new last night! I learned to change the background on my blog! Woohoo!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thing 1 much as I love technology and computers this blogging thing is quite a challenge to me! I hope I learn it right! :-)

Here is a bit about myself. I work at BrES in the sped department. I am a parapro. I have always wanted to teach and thought about going back for my teaching degree. But, I just am not up to more school! I have been at BrES for 8 years as a parent and 4 years as an employee. I started by subbing and moved on from there!
Oh...why did I want to take this course? I am always wanting to learn more about technology. It is something I enjoy anyway but I am always looking for challenges. Besides, I have to stay somewhat ahead of my 7th grader! I can't let him outsmart me. I mean...he learned power point before I did...can't have that happen again! :-)